Sunday, August 23, 2009

You Can Count On Your Fingers and Toes

The amount of times this has happened in professional baseball

EDIT: I had to find another source after the predictable MLB/YouTube blackout that always happens for some stupid reason. Like MLB is losing millions of dollars by letting fans post highlights? It's ridiculous. Baseball needs to go the way the NBA did, embracing the highlight-friendly youtube and maybe putting up their own channel with HQ vids. Whom do I email to correct this.

POST SCRIPT: The "fingers and toes" title here refers to the total amount of times an unassisted triple play has happened, that's a total of 15 right now. But if you want to take it even further, it's only the second time in baseball history a game has ended with an unassisted triple play. And the first time when that game served as an accurate and devastating metaphor for the relationship between the teams competing against each other.

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